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Bajaj Platina Review

Bajaj PlatinaBajaj Platian is a motorcycle, brought to you by Bajaj. There are two varieties of Platinas are available in the market with 100 and 125 cc engine capacities. The former was launched in the year 2006, in the month of April and the price was around 36,000 Indian Rupees. After its launch, the price reached its heights due to high demand. In India, manufacturers observe the bike’s popularity and when they notice that these bikes are being liked by people, instead of slashing prices, they hike. It took about eight months to happen, to increase the price of Bajaj Platina. The Bajaj Platina 125 DTS- Si, then hit the markets in the year 2008, in the month of September. The price again hit the skies and it grew more than 30, 000 unites in a month. This was something unexpected and it did lead to some unknown controversies, which made people wonder about its authenticity. It also was in news that Bajaj Platina smuggled some parts from some unauthorized Chinese dealers. However, they were considered as rumors. Soon after these rumors, Bajaj re launched the same version of Bajaj Platina. This was a total hit.
The following are Bajaj Platina’s striking features, which will make a man think that this is the greatest bike a person can have:
  • The style is ultimate
  • Engine is excellent and it helps in maintaining balance in rough conditions or practical situations
  • Great comfort and great in class suspension system
  • Comes with SNS system (Spring and Spring), which is world’s first suspension seen in motorbikes with the travelling record of the longest class, which comes around 100 mm
  • Side panels have unique streak designs.
  • Models available: Basic Model and High end models with stunning alloy wheels.
Price: Rs 34,000/- for basic model and for hi-fi models it is up to Rs 36,000/- In the year 2007, Bajaj Platina 100cc has bagged the bike of the year award- NDTV Profit Bike India- 100 cc bike. Bajaj Platina is worth buying and the fuel efficiency is also good. Buy to enjoy the ride and save some oil!
Bajaj Platina Bajaj Platina Bajaj Platina Bajaj Platina Bajaj Platina Bajaj Platina Bajaj Platina Bajaj Platina
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