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Bajaj Super

So, you are looking for a scooter with peppy performance. Have you found any as yet? Yeah! It’s not easy to find one scooter with exceptional performance. But, if you really want to save your precious time then you must checkout Bajaj Super.
Bajaj Super is the old war horse for India and you can find it everywhere in India. It is popular because of its consistent performance and numerous features. One of the best things associated with this scooter is that it doesn’t cost the earth. You will never have to spend a lot of money to get Bajaj Super especially if you have no problems with used scooter. Great thing is that it offers good value for your money. Along with helping you to get a great value for money it also helps you to save money by providing you a great mileage. While riding Bajaj Super, you can always expect a mileage around 60-65 km per liter.
The availability of a spare wheel is another great feature of this scooter. When you will actually own this scooter, you will soon realize that this spare wheel is not without purpose. There will be many occasions when this spare wheel will bail you out of trouble. So, it is extremely reliable and trustworthy. But, you can not use it for long journeys. This is not something associated with its performance as it is capable of running for hours without creating any problem. The real thing here is about the comfort where this scooter is not the best available out there. If you are buying this scooter for jaunts, you will be more than happy with its performance and comfort level. But, longer you will ride it harder it will become to sit on the seat.
There is only one issue associated with this scooter that has already been mentioned. Other than that, rest is pretty impressive in this scoter. So, if you don’t want to own a fuel guzzler then stop searching any more as Bajaj super is what you need. You will love this scooter for its performance, mileage, reliability and everything else.
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