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Hero Honda CBZ

Hero Honda CBZHere Honda CBZ is a powerful bike. It is hard to find a powerful bike at the price that CBZ charges. Not only is it powerful but stylish as well. Styling, in fact, is one of those features which stimulate the interest of people and they buy this bike. So, if you are looking for a combination of style and power, you will be better off buying Hero Honda CBZ.
The best thing about Hero Honda CBZ is its seat position. It is not a secret that if you want to ride a bike for many hours, you will end up getting a back pain. That’s a fact and everyone knows about it. But, because of the seating position of CBZ and overall ergonomics, you will not find a lot of trouble in terms of back pain while heading off for a long journey. This is one of the biggest selling points of Hero Honda CBZ. So, if you are looking for a bike with optimum comfort, look no further than Hero Honda CBZ.
After all these praising words, it is significant to mention something about the disadvantage of buying this bike. One of the prominent issues attached with this bike is the fuel economy. Since it is quite a powerful bike, so, it is obvious to see it asking for more fuel. It suggests that if you are looking for a more economical bike it is better to opt for another brand or model. But, in case, your main preference is power, style and comfort, then you can opt for this bike. The only major issue associated with this bike is the fuel economy and if that doesn’t hurt you then CBZ is a perfect bike for you.
The fact of the matter is that Hero Honda CBZ is a mixture of some good and some not-so-good features. But, one thing is for sure that if you want a bike with good power and extreme comfort even on the Indian roads, it is a better idea to go for Hero Honda CBZ as there is not much of the competition for Hero Honda in this regard.
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