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Kawasaki KZ 1000

Kawasaki KZ 1000When it comes to classic bikes, even the sight of Kawasaki KZ 1000 is enough to impress any one. Kawasaki KZ 1000 is one of those bikes which never lose their importance and popularity.
There is a plethora of good things in this bike along with some not-so-good ones. But, you will always find good features overcoming the bad ones. What it means is that buying this bike is still a great investment for riders.
The first thing that you can notice even without sitting on it is the grace of this bike. The sheer majesty of this bike is enough to entice anyone to ride it. This legend Kawasaki bike will make others say a few words in appreciation for you and the bike while riding it on the road.
Styling aside, it has some impressive specifications with remarkable engine. This bike has air cooled, transverse four cylinder engine with two valve per cylinder. This four-stroke engine having the capacity of 1015 can leave most of the vehicles behind on the road just by a flick of the wrist. Moreover, the power of 83 hp at the rate of 8000 rpm and torque of 8.1 kg-m at the rate of 6500 rpm can make it even impressive for the riders. Although it is a powerful bike, but, this bike surprisingly lacks speed especially when compared to its 903cc predecessors. By the way, it has a maximum speed of 123mp/h.
In its early days, the bad thing associated with this bike was its price. Price in those days was crazy for this bike but lots of people were tempted to own it even on those prices. Today, you can however get this bike without spending a lot of money. Needless to say that it will still cost good money as such specifications and quality can not be found at lower rates.
Although Kawasaki KZ 1000 is an old bike but it can still cut the mustard today. It is just because of its mouthwatering specifications that people still yearn to own this bike. So, just have a look at this bike and it will keep on niggling you until you buy it.
Kawasaki KZ 1000 Kawasaki KZ 1000
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