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Kawasaki S3 400

By today’s standards, you may not find S3 400 extremely impressive and good looking. But, that doesn’t qualify to the fact that this bike is ugly or something. Actually, this bike is introduced for those who want their bikes to be a performer rather than something else. And, mind you, it does have good looks which are actually better than many. In fact, its double tubular steel cradle and telescopic hydraulic forks lends this bike a special look. So, don’t underestimate it in this regard.
There may be different views of people in terms of styling but the real plus point of Kawasaki S3 400 is its engine. Before mentioning something about the engine, it is significant to mention that Kawasaki S3 400 was actually introduced to replace Kawasaki 350 S2. There were quite a few improvements in S3 400 and engine was one of them.
Speaking of engine, it has a two-stroke, air cooled transverse three cylinder engine with a capacity of 400. With 57 x 52.3 mm of bore x stroke and a compression ratio of 6.5:1, this bike has the potential to produce nice power. Precisely, the power is around 42 HP at the rate of 7000 RPM. Also, the torque is 4.32 m-kg at the rate of 6500rpm. Though it is not sufficient for today’s world, but, you can still expect it to do well even with its limited power.
Actually, the basic motive of introducing Kawasaki S3 400 was not the speed. Although it had more horsepower as compared to 350 S2 but there was a sufficient decrease in RPM. So, it can be said that this bike is actually designed to be more stable and reliable. This can also be seen in the chassis which are used to enhance the stability of this bike.
So, the conclusion can easily be drawn after checking out all aforementioned points. Here, it can be said that if you want a reliable bike to travel for longer hours with the utmost level of comfort then you must opt for this bike. It surely is a pleasure to ride.
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