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Kawasaki ZR 400

ZR 400 is a bike that can be ridden in different conditions. It is fast and reliable that makes is popular amongst the modern day riders.
Though the bike is wonderful but style of this bike is something that may not be liked by everyone. That’s the first issue with this bike which can be experienced as soon as you have a casual look at this bike. In terms of styling, you can get a mixed bag of comments. There are some people who simply love its styling, whereas, others reject it only because of the styling as they find it a bit weird.
There is no denying that styling is not suitable for all. But, the great thing about this is that you can actually convert this bike into your favorite bike just by changing few parts here and there. In fact, when you will search internet for this bike, you will find that people have brought some remarkable changes to this bike all by themselves.
Apart from styling, there are no real problems associated with this bike. Performance wise this bike is spectacular. With an engine tuned for high performance, Kawasaki has made this bike to last for long time. Due to this spectacular engine, you can still find this bike going as strong as it was in all those previous years.
In terms of handling, this bike is not bad at all but not as amazing as some of the modern day bikes are. It is actually because of the steering that you may find some problems in keeping this bike under control in beginning. Also, some issues do crop up because of the leaning position and its weight. Still, the bike is agile enough to work according to your orders.
As a whole, you can easily say that ZR 400 is a very capable bike. It has a powerful engine which is extremely reliable. It comes with unique design that can be enhanced by spending some extra bucks. Lastly, it allows you to ride in style on the roads. So, you get a complete and capable bike in the form of ZR 400.
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