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Kawasaki ZR 7

No one can deny the fact that most people opt for the ZR 7 purely because of its good looks. With an absolutely beautiful color combination and high gloss finish, this bike can enslave you at the very first sight.
Though its fabulous looks attract a wide majority of people, but, there are other plus points as well. For instance, riding position is exceptional. It may be strange but true that there are lots of people who rate different bikes just by checking riding and leaning position. In the form of ZR 7, all those people will get a perfect bike with right riding position. Even though the bike is a bit taller and heavier as well, but, you can still find it easy to ride. Actually, all these factors combine to produce a bike offering more control and stability. You will always feel yourself to be in total control soon after sitting over it.
Along with handling, you need to pay attention to the engine to get a complete idea about the whole thing. Engine in ZR 7 is powerful enough to give you the speed that you expect. It has an air cooled motor with two-valves which lends it enough power. Because of the 67 horsepower and around 45 foot-pounds of torque, this bike is capable to please an average rider.
Apart from the power, there is something else which is impressive about the engine. The engine has the potential to grab people’s attention as it can scream loudly as you accelerate down the road. So, engine is powerful and reliable as well. It however is worth mentioning that you can not compare it to modern, four-valve, liquid-cooled motor as there is no competition here.
The fact of the matter is that Kawasaki ZR 7 is one of those heavy bikes which carry their weight extremely efficiently. It is because of this particular reason that you will always find it a nimble machine while riding through town. So, handling is great, power is awe-inspiring and performance is exceptional. Surely, it is a machine which is not only designed to be a looker but a performer as well.
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