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Kawasaki ZRX 1100

Kawasaki ZRX 1100 is a bike which is known for its high performance and reliability. This is one of those bikes which don’t ask to replace anything other than the petrol. The power of this bike is truly magnificent but the great thing about this bike is that you can make it run just by the twist of the wrist. It obeys your orders and accelerates in a perfect manner without considering the gears.
The real thing behind its awesome acceleration is 1052cc motor. Despite the fact that this motor is tuned for midrange punch, you can still get a good deal of power. This motor is able to make a torque of 600 foot-pounds even from the 3000 RPM.
When it comes to acceleration, you need to pay attention to the brakes as well. If brakes will not be perfect, your riding experience will always be uncompleted. Luckily, ZRX 1100 has perfect brakes for you to stop your bike after accelerating it to the maximum.
Apart from the engine and acceleration, you can find this bike to be really comfortable. Seating is good enough for taller riders and leaning position is also perfect for many. The superior thing about leaning is that weight doesn’t remain on your wrists but on your butt which makes it more comfortable. Speaking of comfort, you can easily find several bikes which start to create problems while running on high speed but that’s not the case with ZRX 1100. It remains comfortable even on high speed and long journeys.
Along with seating and leaning position, a real handlebar makes things more comfortable for those riders who have to travel for long hours.
After contemplating on all these points, you can easily figure out that this bike has some really nice qualities which inspire people to buy it. But, if you want to know about the negative points of this bike, there aren’t many. But, few can always be mentioned in this regard. Handling, for instance, is not what one would love to experience in this bike. It becomes difficult to keep this bike under control while riding in the twisties.
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